New 3DS Emulation Software Released!

I am glad to announce that there is a new Nintendo 3DS Emulator in development and it is by far the best one i have seen so far. This is how it looks like after the UI change:

There are many changes and most of them you will not notice except the obvious interface changes. Options tab is very good and lets you change resolution and other options very easy. You can also set it to performance or on quality settings , giving you the best set up for your PC rig. Saving and loading games is very easy now and you can do so in game-play section.

Automatic updates are introduced as well , so you do not have to worry about it going out of date. You can just sit back and enjoy the latest games that are being added to the huge list of around 300 supported 3DS games.

If you want to download Nintendo 3DS Emulator you can do it at official emulator download page and you can also check out one of many guides and videos on how to set it up.

The best thing i like about it is it does not require BIOS as separate file to run.

Stay tuned for an in depth guide on optimizing this emulator . We will test it in the next few months and post results here.

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